Automating Your Marketing
One easy way of automating the list building process with Twitter is by using the services of www.SocialOomph.com (more…)
One easy way of automating the list building process with Twitter is by using the services of www.SocialOomph.com (more…)
Shareaholic, developers of popular social sharing tools, recently published a study aimed to determine which social networks are driving the most engaged social referrals. (more…)
Blog marketing is something that all blog owners do. They market their blog so that they can get readers, and make a profit from their blogs. Marketing their blog means to get it out there so that others that are interested in it can find it and read it. It is also a great way to sell things by using affiliate links and programs. Blog marketing can very well become a home business if that is something that you are interested in. (more…)
Blogs which are also known as web logs are the new thing on the internet. They are pretty much a platform that you can use that will allow you to post your thoughts on most any subject that you want to. They can be used for journaling, promoting, writing, and publishing, anything that your heart desires. However, if you are a beginner and new blogging as well as marketing, there are some very important things that you will want to know. (more…)